I love how these things just happen. I was in yoga class today at the gym. Normally one would not think that a yoga class at a gym would be any good but since I am a member I decided to try it out. I've studied yoga with some great and well known teachers so it takes a good one to keep me content. And oddly enough the young woman teaching on Monday mornings is quite good.
In yoga one is supposed to stay present in each moment which is a great practice unto itself. My mind is extremely active and I have a difficult time doing that in any circumstance. Lately I have a lot on my mind. The same subject kept buzzing before me and in the middle of a difficult pose I had an epiphany whereby someone from my distant past came up in relation to a current issue and helped clarify something for me. I know that we store things in our physical bodies and I guess this was a good example of how we can use yoga or other modalities to work through issues. Hooray!
Later this after noon I was driving to an appointment and enjoyed the drive out 28A, through the winding country roads full of woods, the late afternoon winter pink light filtering through the trees. True, there is a lot one can worry about these days, but it's great when I can just relax and enjoy the beauty surrounding us here in the Hudson Valley.
Nitey Nite