Saturday, May 16, 2009

Acfoss the Lake

I just took this painting (called Across the Lake) over to a nearby town (Millbrook) to hang in a faculty show (for Barrett Art Center) at the Merritt Bookstore. I am part of their summer faculty and we are having a group show called Barrett at Merritt. I will be teaching a watercolor workshop as well as some classes in gouache. Looking forward to it. I have not taught "traditional " art classes in awhile. The classes I normally teach have a spiritual twist to them and involve mostly working out of one's head in other words from one's imagination. This will be a refreshing change. I did the above watercolor at Minnewaska, an area near here where I go to swim and I can't wait till it's warm enough to jump into the waters.

I've enjoyed being home for a few days. Last week I was in Andover MA at a wonderful store called Circles of Wisdom where I was doing my Spirit Essence Portraits. Lovely time. Lovely people. Off to do a bit of work.

Till then, Melissa

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Forget Me Not

I have not had time to paint. That's all there is to it. And not too much to say. I got sick while last out on the road and actually had to cancel one store visit which I felt really bad about. I stayed over anyway so as not to drive the 5 hours back from Balto whilefeeling like crap.

The good news is that I came home to the familiar gorgeous forget me not event that happens in my side yard evey year. I just love it. I can see a bit of the bleeding heart plant and a couple stray daffodils here and there to add a bit of pink and yellow.

I've been laying as low as I can with work to do here because I head out tomorrow once again to parts near Boston and I want to be at the top of health. Off now, on that note to take a small walk and enjoy the spring air.

Happy Trails..... Melissa