Yeah, more re-enty. That's the way it goes for the next few months. Just returning from a nice visit to MA and RI where I did Spirit Essence Portraits for the last few days ending with a day at the Love, Light and Laughter conference in Warwick RI. It was wonderful being there because I have a mini community with women in places I return to and get to see familiar faces that I have enjoyed intense connection with. Because the portraits are always intense connection. The image above is a portrait of a woman that had taken a painting workshop with me and had shared at that time about her life and the changes that had taken place since she declared to the world that she is indeed an artist. It's more abstract than most of them in honor of her own abstract work. It also contains personal symbolism which I will not share here.
A few of the portraits this time where women returning a year or so later for another one to see how their changes would be reflected in a second portrait. I love returns too for that reason. I don't remember the first portrait but if they describe it I can often bring the image to mind.
I enjoyed a few good conversations that I could dig into and as you know I collect stories and date to include in my card decks and future books. I like observing how we are going through changes collectively and I hear so much of that lately.
One thing I really enjoy about the state of MA is that there are many small businesses still in existence. I hope they are doing well. I try and frequent non-chain privately owned businesses as much as possible. And people are trying so hard to go the extra mile in service these days. There is a small cafe downstairs from one of my locations where the owner is there probaably 12 hours a day and working so hard to provide great service and food and is always ready with a kind word and wondering how you enjoyed your meal. She is so proud of her New England clam chowder (she won an award for it once) so I made sure to order some to see her look of pride. I was happy to see she was still in business. Here in my area it seems folks are going out of business right and left.
Enough of that. Off to catch up on work, yoga class and lunch with a friend.
till later, m