Thursday, March 5, 2009

You Can't Hit a Moving Target.....

I don't know why that phrase keeps coming to mind except that that is how I feel. I am loving being here in Florida but I haven't had a moment to sit still or relax or write this blog. The photos here are from central and north central Florida. The little shanty is where I normally stay when I am in High Springs but for reasons too long to mention here I am staying in the "tree house" which is equally as cool but for different reasons. Just beyond the little shanty only about 10 feet away is the Ichatucknee River in all it's splendor complete with herons, cranes, ibis, turtles sunning themselves in multitudes on rocks. One of my most favorite places on earth and the location where I did the painting "Dreams Come True". I have so far been in 4 different locations doing Spirit Portraits and meeting incredible women in each place. so far no men have come for a portrait on this trip.
I am having to be extremely flexible on this trip because I have a lot of gear and need to uproot so frequently. and plans change...
There are many amazing healers in Orlando of all places I have come to find out. The woman that hosted me there is an osteopath and a real magician in her doctoring. if you live near there visit Dr. Laura Rampil if you are in need of a treatment.
Speaking of that I need to keep moving. I pulled or tore something when I was doing some weight lifting with no instruction and I am going to a biofeedback session this morning here in Palm Gardens Fl.
I will post more later. Lots of new photos to upload and share.
Till then..... Melissa

1 comment:

  1. very very cool. How did the slide show go? Did you get it done, did it go w/out much of a problem? xp
